That’s right!
After the introduction screens in the video below, you will see a series of pictures accompanied by audio, in Koine Greek, that describes what you are seeing. Don’t worry, it begins very simply so that even a child can follow. First you will hear the number of the picture (we will soon have another demo that teaches the numbers in Greek), followed by the description of what you are looking at, repeated twice. Just follow along, and you will automatically begin learning.
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This demo is taken from the video (mp4) version of Living Koine Greek, Introduction Part One, which is also available as an online course. In the book version, your eyes move from one picture to the next while listening to the audio (sent on mp3 disc), but the concept is exactly the same. By the end of Living Koine Greek, Introduction Part One, you will have already learned over 230 lexical items and over 700 different forms – all as effortlessly and as easily as in this first chapter.
Check out all our Living Koine Greek materials or check out the Hebrew First Lesson demo. (Or watch the Greek demo on youtube.)